I created this web site to help my students find the resources they need for doing homework. I also made this web site
a wee bit personal to answer some questions students ask me about my life, my education, my work, and my interests.
Reference Library and E-Search
To do internet research, I have placed on this page links to lists
of online resources. The Reference Library hyperlink will bring up a list of links to online reference works.
The E-Search Library hyperlink will bring up a list of links to powerful library resources and news service
Menu Bar Tabs
The Menu Bar is at the top of this page. The tabs on the menu bar go to more pages I have created. The
Search Engines tab brings up a list of various search engines and web directories
for searching the internet. The Projects Page tab brings up a list of web
pages I have created for other teachers who have assigned special research projects. The Fun
tab brings up a list of links to games, music, and media on the Internet. Other tabs link to pages about me, my
family and my interests. Use the Contact tab to send me an E-mail.
I have a school web page listed with Scholastic. You can use this page
for links to many educational resources.
Enter the user
id "814student" and the Password "Meehan."
If you have questions about using this web site for doing your homework, ask Miss Martha. You
can click on the Contact tab to send your questions by E-mail.
Reference Library
Use this link for reference sites.
E-Search Library
Use this link for library, news and media services.
Search the Internet with Lycos or Hot Bot
Search the Internet from this web site with the powerful Lycos and HotBot search engines. Lycos searches for
other Tripod members' sites or for sites listed on the World Wide Web. Type in your key words and click on the "Go Get
It" button. Hot Bot is a general Internet search service for both www listed web sites and web sites
that are not listed with the web. Enter your key words and click on the "Go" button.